
Documents = Sales

Documents = Sales

New business leads in the personal finance sector inevitably need to submit documents to advance their applications successfully. Are you losing potential sales due to an inefficient document collection process?

24/7 AI Advisor

24/7 AI Advisor

We carefully model our AI, Alex, to perform like your best advisor. Alex then contacts each lead via SMS/WhatsApp, re-engaging and nurturing them to deliver their documents, inside and outside of business hours.

Free Up Resources

Free Up Resources

How much time does your team spend chasing down documents from prospects? With automation, your team can focus on closing deals. More efficient teams close more deals and generate more business.


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Secure Collection

Secure Collection

Documents are uploaded through an encrypted, secure application that requires a unique login for each user. Customers can stagger their uploads at their convenience. Once all documents are successfully uploaded, your sales team is notified.

Hand-Holding Leads

Hand-Holding Leads

Requesting documents from prospects is often challenging. Our AI, Alex, is designed to assist by answering any questions and guiding each client through their unique submission process until all documents are successfully uploaded.


At Upload This Way, we specialize in automating document collection for new business leads in the personal finance sector. By leveraging cutting-edge AI assistants and smart, secure online forms, we efficiently manage high volumes at a low cost.

Highly Skilled & Experienced

Our small, highly specialized team consists of principal members who have been creating and nurturing digital leads in the personal finance sector since 1999. With over 25 years of experience in building intelligent data collection campaigns, we know what works and how to execute it effectively.

How We Work

Each client has unique document collection requirements. We partner with each to develop a bespoke, branded solution tailored to their specific goals.

We operate on a performance basis. After agreeing on an affordable flat rate per completed document collection, we begin working our magic. It’s really that simple!

Welcome to smart document collection. Welcome to Upload This Way!

Document Collection Guides & Trends